Transparency is a big issue in any government. It is easy pronounced, and quite difficult to realize. Somtimes government institution go ahead, but they do not get feedback and their efforts get recognized. Other institution monitor it. An initiative, which is not rewared, will not last long. "Good idea, but too early to implement", "We are not yet ready for this", "Come back in some years", "There are technical difficulties".
Elliott Masie has an interesting solution. Educate the public. Ask it!
Newsletter from 17 Feburary: "Skills for Government Transparency - Working Example and Ideas. One of the projects of the new administration is focused on adding increased transparency to government spending. The interesting question is to think about the skills that citizens will need to make sense of large amounts of public data on spending, projects, taxes and more. Take a minute to look at the website: http://usaspending.gov which has online access to Federal spending by district, agency or vendor. Poke around the site and send me a few ideas about your ideas of what learning would be optimal (or even performance support tools) to help individuals make sense of increased data access."
Very easily, these kind of approach could be used as well in Kazakstan. No investment required. No additional staff needed. A short announcement and a fresh approach can create momentum. Ask your client. Yes, we can!