The CCK08 course from the university of Manitobu is an experiment with a enourmous flow on new thinking, concepts, reflecting.
I put special emphasis on all kind of schemes and this is one of them: it gives a good overview , as the complex relations a classified and visualized.
Even more importants might be 1o issues for change:
My top 10 takeaways. I made my homework and checked whether I fit in to these models and whether it makes sense to start thinking and adressing different issues.
- Communities are the basis for change, and what they need more than anything now is excellent stewardship. Facilitators, please stand up.
- The great value of networks is that they enable groups of people to organize, collaborate, do the work each is best at, and share the work needed to bring about the change, and then show others its value.
- Change has to start with an identified need, not with a good idea. Generally, we only change when we must. Listen for needs.
- We need to create safe places to explore and work on bold ideas. Skunkworks can often accomplish more than large amounts of funding.
- Change, like great research, begins with asking important questions, and provoking respondents to self-change instead of trying to persuade or impose it.
- To bring about change, be prepared to work with people, listen and understand what works and what is important for them, and engage them in ways they see value in and relate to. And be totally, brutally honest about what you don't know, aren't sure about, or difficulties in the path of desired change. And stay open to other ideas and concerns.
- If you want to accomplish great change, give up the idea of getting the credit for it.
- Experiment. The best, profound changes come from masses of iterative learning and exploration of possibilities.
- Create the starting conditions for momentum, enthusiasm, sufficient resources, the right people, and don't worry about outcomes.
- Make it easy. When you make it easier to change, to do the right thing, it will succeed more quickly and profoundly than if it requires a lot of work from every person.
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